Mexico City (CNN)Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced a $1 billion loan to Latin America and the Caribbean for Covid-19 vaccine access during a virtual gathering with his Latin American counterparts on Wednesday, according to a statement released by the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry.”
China’s Foreign Minister said that the vaccine developed in his country will be a public benefit of universal access, and that his country will designate a loan of $1 billion to support access [to the vaccine] for the nations of the region,” the statement said.
During a daily briefing on Thursday, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thanked China after the loan announcement.
“We’re very grateful to China, with the Chinese government, the President — you remember I had the chance to speak to him on the phone — we asked him for support with medical equipment, there have been many aid flights coming from China.”
Home Latin America China Offers USD1 Billion Loan to Latin America, Caribbean for Access to Covid-19 Vaccine: CNN